The Women’s Evening Bible Study of First Armenian Church, Belmont, MA, held its annual summer party August 15. This yearly event has been graciously hosted the last several years at the home of Hermine and Bernie Getzoyan. This is a time where we can have some fun together, strengthen our friendships and the sisterhood we share in Jesus, and enjoy an abundance of excellent food (we are Armenians, after all!) and enjoy each others company. Our group meets Monday nights at 7:00pm to study God’s Word together. We also try to plan some fun outings during the year and our summer party is the highlight! More information about the Women's Evening Bible Study here.
About our Bible Study
The evening Women’s Bible Study has been meeting for nearly fifteen years now, exploring the Bible together. Led by Nancy Tutunjian Berger, we join each other every Monday night at 7pm, either in person at First Armenian Church, Belmont, MA, or online (we offer a hybrid meeting). Starting out with just five women during our first year, we have now grown to a group of over 50 women of all ages and cultural/spiritual backgrounds who are committed to learning from and understanding God’s Word and experiencing His love and power in our everyday life.
We draw our membership not only from First Armenian Church but all the surrounding area churches and communities. Our attendees range in age from 25 to 75! Along with our Armenian members, we have several non-Armenians as well. Our hybrid format allows for both in-person and online opportunities to join our Bible Study community. This has allowed women from Canada and the mid-west to be part of our group. It also allows members who move out of state or who go on vacation to log on from wherever they are so they do not miss a meet and can remain a part of our fellowship even if they have left the area.
If you want a Bible Study that empowers you in your everyday life, allows you to see Biblical characters and situations come alive in a refreshing way, and if you want to grow in your faith and prayer life and experience the Lord’s presence and power, then please consider joining us. Our Bible study provides an in-depth exploration of the Scriptures, with emphasis on developing a strong and vibrant relationship with the Lord. We look at the original languages of the Old and New Testaments; we also discuss the history, geo-political landscape, culture/pop culture, societies and customs that help provide a more compete understanding of the material.
This ministry has allowed us over the years to build a strong community of women who laugh together, cry together, share together, pray together, build deeper friendships, and grow together. If you would like to learn more about our group, feel free to contact the group’s leader and teacher, Nancy Tutunjian Berger at paraclete.music1@verizon.net It doesn’t matter where you live, you can join us virtually!