Harvest Festival

UACC held its annual Harvest Festival on Friday, October 28, inviting the youth, children and families to come out in costume for an evening of fun, food, games and fellowship. Our Harvest Festival brought together families from our church, the Charlotte & Elise Merdinian Armenian Evangelical School, and the local community to celebrate the Fall Season. We had an eventful evening with food and drinks provided for families to enjoy and of course, lots of candy for the little ones!
The children enjoyed jumping around our large bounce house with two large inflatable slides to enjoy. With plenty of games, crafts and candy to keep the children busy, the adults had an opportunity to let loose with our special Karaoke room. Everyone came out wearing lots of creative and fun costumes, taking pictures at our Harvest themed backdrop, and participating in our Costume parade and contest led by our very own Rev. Harut Khachatryan! With so many families joining us for the evening, our 2022 Harvest Festival was the right opportunity to remind us about our God’s goodness and endless love.
Annual Banquet
UACC celebrated its 59th Anniversary on Sunday, November 6. The sold out banquet took place at the Universal Sheraton in the Starview room, providing a spectacular view of the city as a backdrop for a wonderful celebration. After a couple years of being apart, and having “virtual” banquets, it was such a special occasion to finally be able to come together again to celebrate the anniversary of UACC and thank God for His faithfulness to our congregation.

This year’s theme was Building on Christ’s Foundation with our theme verse of Colossians 2:7 which reminds us to “Let your roots grow down into Him and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught and you will overflow with thankfulness.” Our evening began on this spiritual focus with a special devotional given to us by Rev. Timothy Paul Avazian, from Lakeside Community Presbyterian Church. And after a delicious dinner enjoyed by all, we welcomed our guest speaker Mr. David Mgrublian, CEO of IDS Real Estate Group. Mr. Mgrublian shared his unique experiences growing up and how his Faith and Identity as an Armenian and a Christian influenced and directed his path in life both personally and professionally. We were also treated to a special musical presentation from the wonderfully talented singer and performer, Alene Aroustamian.

With so many blessings to celebrate and give thanks to God in the life of our church, we were able to recognize two individuals who have made a lasting impact to the life and success of our church. The Board of Trustees took the opportunity to recognize the special and unique contributions of Angel Abajian, who took over the large workload of our church Treasurer as a volunteer, and worked countless hours to not only keep the church running on the financial side of things, but to also streamline and transition some of the way things are handled and done in order to bring our procedures up to date. The Trustees also recognized a special person that has gone above and beyond in their love and service towards our church, and through the Board of Trustees award, this year they honored Mrs. Genie Berberian for her years of dedication and service to the Lord and to our church. Our evening came to a close with a prayer and blessing from our minister, Rev. Harut Khachatryan.
The evening was a success enjoyed by all who were able to attend. We celebrated God’s blessings towards UACC over the past 59 years and looking forward to what God will continue to do in and through our church and congregation. We want to thank the Banquet Committee for organizing this wonderful event, especially Terrell Avazian Perfitt and Debbie Levonian for co-chairing the event. As well as a special thanks to Aleen Khanjian for coordinating our entertainment for the evening.
We all have so much to be thankful for to God, for His many blessings bestowed upon us and for His grace and faithfulness towards us. In celebration during this Thanksgiving season, the United Armenian Congregational Church, came together as a church family on the evening of Wednesday, November 16th to enjoy an evening of fellowship and thankfulness during our All-Church Thanksgiving Potluck dinner.
With delicious dishes prepared by numerous members of our church family, and with the turkeys provided by the Pastoral staff, over 200 people gathered to enjoy a meal together and give thanks to God. With a worshipful environment created by our talented musicians in our Worship Team and special devotional, presented to us by Mr. Hagop Ketenjian, put us in thankful spirit. In addition to the delicious meal, we enjoyed some fun games together to break the ice and get to know one another, organized by Greg and Laura Zeronian. A wonderful evening was had by all, and we kicked off this festive season of the year by gathering around a table together to enjoy a delicious meal and have fellowship together to give thanks to the Lord with our church family.
Thanksgiving Potluck
We all have so much to be thankful for to God, for His many blessings bestowed upon us and for His grace and faithfulness towards us. In celebration during this Thanksgiving season, the United Armenian Congregational Church, came together as a church family on the evening of Wednesday, November 16th to enjoy an evening of fellowship and thankfulness during our All-Church Thanksgiving Potluck dinner.
With delicious dishes prepared by numerous members of our church family, and with the turkeys provided by the Pastoral staff, over 200 people gathered to enjoy a meal together and give thanks to God. With a worshipful environment created by our talented musicians in our Worship Team and special devotional, presented to us by Mr. Hagop Ketenjian, put us in thankful spirit. In addition to the delicious meal, we enjoyed some fun games together to break the ice and get to know one another, organized by Greg and Laura Zeronian. A wonderful evening was had by all, and we kicked off this festive season of the year by gathering around a table together to enjoy a delicious meal and have fellowship together to give thanks to the Lord with our church family.

As the Lord has been providing, protecting, and guiding our church through this season of changes, our new Senior Pastor Rev Harut Khachatryan has been declaring a truthful feeling shared among our members and visitors… “There is Joy in this House.” And to God be the glory.